How to Make a Cash Payment using Pay-Easy at a Japanese ATM

Pay-easy(ペイジー)is a standard payment method used in Japan to pay outstanding bills for utilities, housing, insurance, among many other things. This standardized system is usually used to pay bills through internet banking services, but it can also be used at an ATM using a Japanese ATM card, or using cash. It’s generally free to use, and more widely available at ATMs than cash bank transfers. Please refer to this guide to help you make cash payments at an ATM through Pay-easy.
Important Notes
At the time of this article, most recipients do not require a fee to process payments.
A small selection of Pay-easy recipients cannot receive payments from an ATM.
ATMs can only perform cash payments of ¥100,000 or less (excluding government recipients). Please contact the payment recipient if you do not have a bank account from which you can send larger payments.
Pay-easy payments, like bank transfers, take a business day or two to process.
Most bank ATMs will only perform Pay-easy cash payments during business hours (usu. M~F, 8:45~18:00). Outside of these hours, payments must be made using an ATM card.
Some banks only offer Pay-easy payments in Japanese.
Required Information
Recipient Number (5 digits)
収納機関番号(しゅうのうきかんばんごう)shuunou kikan bangou
Customer Number or Payment Number (20 digits or less)
お客様番号(おきゃくさまばんごう)okyaku-sama bangou
納付番号(のうふばんごう)noufu bangou
Confirmation Number (6 digits or less)
確認番号(かくにんばんごう)kakunin bangou
Payment Division (Optional, reserved for government payments)
納付区分(のうふくぶん)noufu kubun

Instructions for Payment
Step 1 — Begin the payment process
Select the option on the ATM for “Bill Payments (Pay-easy)” or “Payment of taxes or bills.”
Step 2 — Enter the bill information
Enter the Recipient Number (収納機関番号; sometimes referred to as the Storage Organization Number). Next, enter the Customer Number (お客様番号). Finally, enter the Confirmation Number (確認番号).
Step 3 — Confirm the payment details
The payment information will be displayed. Confirm that the details are correct, and proceed.
Step 4 — Pay the amount
Pay the amount using cash. You may also use a Japanese ATM card (cash card) if you have a Japanese bank account with the same bank as the ATM you are using.